Thursday, June 28, 2007

Stepping Gingerly

As averse as I was to starting this blog, my being technologically-challenged and e-handicapped not helping much either, I decided otherwise to air out some of the synaptic fluxes that have accumulated over the past few years primarily because i needed to free space to churn out, hopefully, fresher cud! I'm guessing you'd chew along and to digress with that metaphor, my first offering is a take on your PATIENCE to ruminate with me. Look forward to your raves and rants but more so, the opportunity to be in conversation and learn with you.


Calliopia said...

A belated welcome to the blogging world. You can be as super-egoistic as you want here and have a string of I, me, my, myself on every line and sentence and still be right on the game.

Long time since I came across a fellow Mizo who writes as well as you do. Delightful reads ahead. So I'm gonna add you even if you say no :P

Philo said...

Thanks for stopping by and also for those flattering words especially as coming from one who writes effortlessly. Do come around again.